Saturday, October 29, 2011

Plan B

Raspberry Sola

Charlie Chan Pasta

Four Seasons

Shy-girl (reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally???)
Yellowcab, we missed you!!! But I missed Aaron so much! >:D< Hihi. We had a lunch date in Yellowcab lately. Raspberry Sola + Charlie Chan Pasta + Four Seasons Pizza = DELISH! Nothing's special for this day. We just want to eat and eat and eat. No wonder why our tummies are getting bigger. Lol! We should actually be watching In Time but he's only free until 3 PM so we just had lunch together then took my outfit photos (will blog about it later). Though we just had a few hours to be with each other, we still enjoyed every second of it.

How was your Saturday? :)

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You are a ray of sunshine, dear reader! Thank you for the love! xx